This is a fundamental program for studying endgame theory. Material is supplied by the prominent endgame theoretician GM Yuri Averbakh.
The program includes:
-4143 theoretically important games and examples thoroughly analyzed and classified into 300 themes
-Material based on a printed edition of Comprehensive Chess Endings
-All the chess material calculated through by the leading chess playing programs using the endgame tables
-Material deeply elaborated and revised by GM Yuri Averbakh thus contributing to revised evaluation of some important theoretical endings compared to the printed edition
-Nalimov Endgame Tablebases support and a built-in Test Mode
-Computer evaluations and variations given for every move in games and examples
-2954 additional games from the modern practice, where the position in question occurred
-The built-in playing program Crafty and the powerful searching system Chess Assistant Light allowing to analyze and play through the positions in question, edit variations, search for the necessary information, print out and export into a text file in both RTF and HTML formats
English version available, DVD-like box.